Ability to diving for exciting fights under water?!

Started 29 Mar 2019
by Snofru
in Open Community Votes
What are you thinking about the ability to diving under water and the associated potions (nereid potions)?
I think that would make the PvP/RvR in some zones much more exciting ...

thx for your attention
Fri 29 Mar 2019 3:45 PM by cere2
Hated it, too much exploiting.
Fri 29 Mar 2019 4:07 PM by chryso
I think if you could make it so that there were no line of sight issues when changing states between above and below water it would be fine.
Fri 29 Mar 2019 4:19 PM by cere2
Backpedaling in water. Never fixed on live.
LOS issues going above/below water line etc.
Who has better water pot? 90% vs 100%
Animist pets stacked under water, can't see them until....your dead.
Mon 1 Apr 2019 3:19 AM by Numatic
I absolutely despised any underwater zones in pretty much any game I've ever played. DAoC included.
Mon 1 Apr 2019 7:04 AM by Cadebrennus
Snofru wrote:
Fri 29 Mar 2019 3:40 PM
What are you thinking about the ability to diving under water and the associated potions (nereid potions)?
I think that would make the PvP/RvR in some zones much more exciting ...

thx for your attention

Mon 1 Apr 2019 9:48 AM by Leandrys
No, ty, i insist.
Tue 2 Apr 2019 10:47 PM by Ebenezer
I love water combat.
Yes, the backing up and LOS problems need fixed if they introduce it here (there shouldn't be a LOS barrier above/below the water at all).
With no Sojourner, everyone would be on the same water pots, so that speed issue is eliminated.

Fighting in three dimensions is a massive improvement over two.
Wed 3 Apr 2019 6:17 AM by Sepplord
there isn't a single MMO (i played) where i liked water combat...
and of those that i remember DAoC watercombat was the worst
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