How do Main melee damage types affect non damage type styles?

Started 24 Jan 2019
by Sorkar
in PvE
I wasn't quite sure where to put this so I thought it would put it in this sub form. It's been over a decade since I've played dark age of Camelot, and I seem to have forgotten some of the mechanics. So my question is how do damage types like slash, thrust, crush affect non damage type styles such as styles from a dual wielding spec, critical strike spec, or two handed spec? I think I remember them affecting something like the base damage or something like that, I'm not really sure. As an example if I have an infiltrator that uses thrust weapons, how much will his amount of points in the thrust spec affect a critical strike style such as perforate artery?

And since I'm here I might as well ask the question, does specing in duel wield/left axe affect the amount of damage done by the off hand weapon? Or does it only affect how often you will hit with the offhand? Or both?
Fri 25 Jan 2019 8:17 AM by Sepplord
regarding your first question, i don't want to spread misinformation and there are probably some people that can explain it far better.

Regarding the second Question, it is different for LeftAxe and CelticDual/DualWield. In midgard the offhand ALWAYS swings when you attack BUT at a very low damage, and speccing LA increases the damage done by the offhand. CD/DW the offhand has a low chance at swinging (but at full offhand dmg) and speccing into CD/DW increases the chance to swing with both weapons. For exact numbers i'll also need someone else to chime in
Fri 25 Jan 2019 9:47 AM by Cadebrennus
Slash/Thrust/etc are base styles and Polearm/Celtic Dual/Critstrike/etc. are advanced styles.

Damage varies between a minimum (the floor) and a maximum (the ceiling or cap.)

When using a style (like Fire Blade on Hib) in a Base weapon line (like Blades on Hib) your Blades spec + temp bonus + RR determine your floor and ceiling damage.

When using a Celtic Dual style (such as Snow Shower) while wielding a Blade your Celtic Dual spec + temp + RR determines your ceiling damage with the Celtic Dual style, but your Blades spec + temp + RR determines your floor damage.

That's pretty much how advanced styles and base styles work together. Weapon lines like Celtic Spear do not require a base style line like Polearm does.
Mon 28 Jan 2019 1:43 PM by Koljar
In addition (hope I got everything right from memory ):

Thrust/slash/crush allows you to wield one handed weapons. Equipping a flex weapon, polearms or two handed weapon and attacking with a style from thrust/slash/crush will make you attack unstyled (both have their own lines).
Speccing dual wield will increase your offhand swing chance but basically requires you to spec thrust/slash/crush (see dmg calculation above).
Speccing critical strike takes dual wield (offhand swing chance) and thrust/slash spec (see dmg calculation above) into consideration.
Polearms and two handed also require speccing thrust/slash/crush (see dmg calculation above).
Flex (reaver) and staff (friar) do not require speccing another line, flex weapons naturally offer slash/crush dependant on the weapon, all staves are crush weapons.
If you only use polearms, two handed, critical strike and/or dual wield you need thrust/slash/crush at a composite (spec + sc + rr) of 52 (once you ding 50) to determine your base damage (see dmg calculation above).

Critical strike and celtic dual work just like their counter parts in alb.
You do not need to spec pierce/blades/blunt when going celtic spear/large weapons/scyte.

Swort/axe/hammer allow you to use both 1- and 2handed weapons.
Left axe always swings, you get the styles (and more dmg or crit chance (not sure here)).
Spears and hand-to-hand don't need a dmg line (they gain it from the weapon, just like flex in alb, large weapons in hib, etc.).

Classes allowed to wield two weapons at once (all assassins, merc, bm, ranger, berserk) can always equip two weapons. They'll use the swing chance for their offhand (alb/hib) for all styles (both basic weapon and dual wield/celtic dual) while you have to use left axe styles to swing with the offhand (which is then guaranteed).
Staves are always crush, you can use a staff to perform critical strike attacks but will do unspecced minimum damage (see dmg calculation above).
Weapons with ammunition (basically bows and crossbows) do the damage stated with the ammo, not the damage stated on the weapon.

Weapon skill varies by (basic) weapon:
Str: Slash, crush, two handed/pole (even when using e.g. a thust pole/two hander), blades, blunt, large weapons, sword, axe, hammer.
Str/dex (half each): Flex, thrust, pierce, celtic spear, spear, hand to hand
Dex: Staves, bows, crossbows

As stated above: All from memory so don't quote me on that and feel free to add corrections...
Tue 29 Jan 2019 5:33 PM by Turtle006
I don't think you need to use LA styles to swing with both weapons.

I don't think Celtic Spear has a Dex component.

Mid Spear (hunter) is 50/50 Dex str I think. (edit: oh you said that, sorry)
Wed 30 Jan 2019 6:37 AM by Koljar
Said the first thing aswell

Not 100% sure on the celtic spear tho...
Wed 30 Jan 2019 8:06 PM by Sarrath
CS is 100% str unless the devs changed something on this server.
Mon 4 Feb 2019 4:22 AM by hellcon
Hi follow up question/clarification:
"Thrust/slash/crush allows you to wield one handed weapons. Equipping a flex weapon, polearms or two handed weapon and attacking with a style from thrust/slash/crush will make you attack unstyled (both have their own lines)."

Does this mean using amethyst slash with a 2-handed sword equiped will do nothing?
Mon 4 Feb 2019 6:52 AM by Turtle006
hellcon wrote:
Mon 4 Feb 2019 4:22 AM
Hi follow up question/clarification:
"Thrust/slash/crush allows you to wield one handed weapons. Equipping a flex weapon, polearms or two handed weapon and attacking with a style from thrust/slash/crush will make you attack unstyled (both have their own lines)."

Does this mean using amethyst slash with a 2-handed sword equiped will do nothing?

Yes, you have to use 2h styles with an Alb 2h weapon.
Mon 4 Feb 2019 6:58 AM by Koljar
Should result in an unstyled attack as you fail to match the requirement (same as if you backed up after block with after parry and did neither. The result is an unstyled attack. Same with the wrong weapon type.
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